Late Night Conversations With Myself

I can see spring in winter, she told me
And I looked and looked
But it eluded me, though I wouldn’t say so
I didn’t want to disappoint
I never do

But the cold and white
Clouded over everything
And made my fingers numb
(or maybe my heart?)

I have all these vague memories
Of being young
Of not thinking about these things
Of not being so damn tired

And you would think me foolish
You are concrete and forgetful
When it comes to emotion

I am the kite
In an electrical storm
I really don’t have enough sense
To come in out of the rain
But the lightening is beautiful
And the rain lets me cry
In private

She sees dreams in darkness
I just moan and turn over
I used to know her
Now we are strangers
I left her behind
Or did she leave me?

Should I be excited by new ideas
When the world is slowing down?
Sinking under the weight of years
Of politics and bills
Dirt I can no longer wipe away

Or should I mutely accept
That we are not meant to live
On mars
And that the rings around Saturn
Are just gas
That diamonds are coal
Money is paper
We are dust

Prompt: I see spring in winter – line from a book and Sunday Scribblings prompt 312 – The Rest of The Story

12 thoughts on “Late Night Conversations With Myself

  1. Old Egg

    You may not be able to see Spring in Winter but you show your perception elsewhere. It is the “Dirt I can no longer wipe away” which probably hurts most of all, all those wrongs that will never come right. This is a momentous piece of writing.

  2. Nita Jo

    I have to agree with Old Egg’s comment! I love these lines, “She sees dreams in darkness, I just moan and turn over” When do we lose the ability to see the dreams? Why do we let the reality of life take that all away? Wonderful writing!

    1. Dee Post author

      some days it just wears us down. I have my moments but then the clouds clear and I see the dreams again 🙂 Thank you for reading!

  3. Jae Rose

    Dust..but dream dust..hope dust..never..just the dust of daily life which can be swept away..I will always see spring in winter..( ‘concrete and forgetful when it comes to emotion’ stood out for me – like looking in the mirror) ..Jae 🙂

    1. Dee Post author

      thanks Jae – that dust even covers the mirror sometimes. Spring is finally here I think – I breath a sigh of relief 🙂

    1. Dee Post author

      Thank you! A writer always hopes to connect with the reader somehow. I appreciate you reading and I am so glad it made you think!

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