Faith in Words

Sunday Scribblings Prompt #230: Faith

to you who can
for those who can’t
the call the all the pen
your words can tell
can ring like bells
the heavens sing
your words can ring
through all the earth
and wake the weary
trodden down the dreary
struggle hunger panged
preyed on by fanged
machinery goal
the life the goods
the needs of weaker
hearts that try and start
with hope but end
with dregs while
some will drink their
fill and spill the rest
upon the ground like
so much blood the
ink will flow and
go to kinder ears
who hear the cries
and lies and wisely
heed the words
and be the love
the change the hope
for more and less
that’s needed by
the hopeless needy
empty will you
fill the pages try
and keep on trying
in the face of all love
dying faith will keep
you take you hold you
I would lifted up and
gifted you with words
the only thing I had
to give
we write
to live to bring to life
to paint the world
to love to sing
to breath to fill
the empty places

a riff off a poet here

3 thoughts on “Faith in Words

  1. old egg

    Don’t we all wish that “..the ink will flow and go to kinder ears..?” On the other hand the last six lines tell it all. We fill the empty places in both our own and others’ minds. I often re-read a post and rush back in correct some minor point of grammar or vocabulary that on the umpteenth read is still not right. I suppose that if we didn’t put ourselves under pressure we wouldn’t write at all. Great piece Dee.

  2. Jae Rose

    ‘try and keep on trying’..that’s faith..and my favourite line (although as OldEgg says, the last lines are a perfect end)..I love that words are such an important part of living..Jae

  3. Marsha

    excellent and love these words which suits my mood these days: fill the pages try
    and keep on trying
    in the face of all love
    dying faith will keep
    you take you hold you

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