And So It Goes..

We may well be going back to the hospital Monday. Dale stayed home three weeks this time with one week of no antibiotics but he is having pain and fever again. I have packed just in case and had time last night to save a bunch of webpages to my jump drive. I will load them on my laptop so I can continue working even if I don’t have internet access. I have been getting my presentation on blogging together and this week I will work on suggestions for rubrics to facilitate assessment. I have completed handouts for reasons for reading blogs and reasons for writing and some basic instructions on using a feedreader to subscribe to blogs. I think the first step in getting teachers interested in using blogs is to show them some great examples and get them reading.

It’s funny to think about it now that I am so excited about blogging in education but the blogs that hooked me from the very start were not anything to do with public education. I began reading WaiterRant on a regular basis. There is some adult content there but I love his storytelling ability. The next was Creating Passionate Users and I never fail to get a boost of enthusiasm and excitement there. There are others on my blogroll that I read all the time and several are education oriented and I have learned so much from them and will continue to do so but in all the excitement of this tool for learning I will remember that like books, sometimes you just need to read for the pure enjoyment of it.

It’s been a very emotional week for me. The shock of walking in and seeing (or NOT seeing to be more accurate) my lab had been broken in to, and then the panic mode of realizing that Dale was showing signs of infection again, my son leaving for a two week trip – I’d like to borrow a cup of boredom from someone. If anyone out there has some to spare – please send it! If you are bored and want to make a trade we can talk…