Return To Civilization

Not sure how glad I am to be back.  I will post more pictures later but these are views from the cabin.  There was no one but us and our friends for a radius of 2 miles.

Early morning mist

Later in the day..


We pack up tomorrow and Tuesday start heading home.  It has been a blessed trip.  Reconnecting with old friends, Rambling around the mountains, downtime with no phone, no computer, nothing but mountain air and beauty all around 🙂

7 thoughts on “Return To Civilization

  1. Jessica

    As fun as I know it is to be away from civilization for awhile, you’re not doing it anymore, unless I’m with you or not at the house by myself. Finding out there’s no water and not being able to get a hold of you is no fun. But it was figured out, so it’s all good. 🙂

    Pretty pictures, btw!
    See ya Wednesday. 🙂

  2. michaelo

    Now that’s getting away! Hope it recharges your soul and gives you some fresh perspective, Dee. I love when I can do that.

  3. Dee Post author

    Jess – we will be home soon babe 🙂

    Denise – it is gorgeous but VERY isolated. An hour to ANYTHING. Great to visit but not sure about living there!

    Michael – it has been a wonderful trip. Beautiful places, reconnecting with old friends. Hopefully when this all percolates it will filter here. Great to have you visit!

  4. anno

    Sounds peaceful and lovely. Just arrived on mountain time myself… not anywhere near ready to see it end.

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