Rainy Day Windows

To see with the narrowed down
single-minded concentration
of a child who has discovered art
in window condensation.

To forget the rest of the world
and become one single moment,
clear-eyed, one with reflection,
joyfully joined with beauty.

To look at a drawing
with imagination.
To read words and envision
a heretofore unseen universe.

To lose the concept of time,
moments stretch to days,
hours shrink to seconds,
then sails in a tub to dreamland.

To grow up to be a super-hero
pirate, fireman,  whatever can be
dreamed, be drawn, be seen
in rainy-day windows

Image prompt: Window Pictures by Barbara Fox
contest was for 15 words and obviously I did not do that – this was where the picture took me.

2 thoughts on “Rainy Day Windows

  1. Jae Rose

    Hi Dee – hope you had a peaceful Christmas..this is a beuatiful piece..it would be lovely to have that capacity to be lost in creating again..it changes as you get older and jaded..still nice to find a condensation smiley-face when you clean the windows though..Happy New Year..Jae

    1. Dee

      It was a wonderful, peaceful day 🙂 Kids home, movies to watch, ate too much, napped, ate too much again…My kind of day.

      I hope you had a wonderful day too!

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