Life Goes On

Tomorrow is a wonderful word. For a short while there I wasn’t sure I thought so but I am willing to take a chance on jinxing things and saying maybe it’s going to be okay. I have to run some errands tomorrow and I am going to make a promise to myself that I will spend a little time working on xhtml and css. I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything for more than a few moments at a time but I think I’m starting to slow down a bit. Dialysis went pretty well tonight except that Dale had a fever and even though he was wrapped up from head to toe in a blanket he was shivering when I went to pick him up. I had just finished mowing the rest of the lawn with the kids but we drove home with the heater on. I thought my hair was going to catch fire before we got home but he warmed up and after supper, antibiotics and tylenol I think he may sleep better tonight.

I am a fixer. If there is a problem I want to figure it out, and then do what is needed to fix it. When I can’t fix it – I don’t do well. This is a part of my personality that carries through into every part of my life. As I get older I run into more and more things that I can’t fix and I don’t mauch care for that. The only thing I know to do is to take a little time each day and see if I can “zone out” with something that takes every bit of my mind and temporarily shut down the stress. Maybe if I find some little problems that I CAN fix, I can keep the unfixable ones from making me too nuts. That and a latte with a little Baileys’ thrown in…