Challenge Day Reflections

High school kids are NOT too cool to play lol.  Lots of music, cheering, playing, and sharing in small groups.  I enjoyed parts, am emotionally drained by others.  What we as a society do to our kids is just pure sin.  One of the exercises has everyone crossing over to the other side if (fill in the blank) has happened to them) and the last one was to cross over the line if you have ever been a child. There was way too large a group that did NOT cross.  Never.  been. a. child.  They are STILL children but feel they have never had a childhood.  I don’t know how some manage to GET to school in the morning, never mind make it through the day and even learn.

I don’t think anything was permanently cured.  I do however think that some kids may have gotten to know each other, that might never have spoken if they hadn’t been thrown into a situation that made them get out of their comfort zones a bit.  Who knows down the line if a seed was planted today that might bear fruit in the future.  I hope so.

I am hoarse from yelling and cheering and physically exhausted but glad I volunteered and will do it again tomorrow.  Today was juniors, tomorrow seniors.  I am in bed at 7:30 and will be surprised if I am still awake at nine.

This will work it’s way out in writing but it will have to percolate for a bit.

3 thoughts on “Challenge Day Reflections

  1. anno

    Beautiful day–can’t imagine a better way to spend it! Enjoy your well-deserved rest this evening….

  2. kmart

    i think it’s a great idea. The problem with it is there is nothing there after challenge day to help those students. Maybe just opening their eyes help but does it really?

    1. Dee Post author

      there is a process in place for follow up with counselors if needed. Maybe just a few doors open that weren’t before. Not a huge revolution…more like some little incremental changes 🙂

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