Daily Lit (reading in your inbox)

I subscribe to a website called DailyLit.  DailyLit is a cool little place on the web where you can subscribe to reading material sent to your inbox in installments.  The choices range from the classics, the Bible, fiction and many more.  I have included a screenshot of the list of categories.

There is now an option to “gift” a collection to someone else.  This might be a great thing to do for someone who likes to read but doesn’t like to create accounts on different websites. Maybe someone you know would like to have a bible verse sent daily – the book of Matthew for instance, is divided into 34 readings.

I subscribed to poems by Emily Dickinson today and as you can see from the screen shot there are 447 installments.  You can configure what time they come to your inbox, as well as how many times a week.  There are discussion forums and you can write a review.

If you set p your own free account very occasionally receive update emails from them letting you know when new books are available. With the coming holidays I hope everyone has the opportunity to stay warm, eat well, and spend time curled up with a good book.

Happy Reading!

(click images for bigger views)

2 thoughts on “Daily Lit (reading in your inbox)

  1. anno

    Well… that was a fun link to explore –good thing, though, I left some bread crumbs to find my way back! Thanks for posting this, Dee.

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