Catching Up

If you know me you know it is driving me crazy to not have internet but I’ll live.  We had Dale’s first appointment at DTI this morning.  His creatinine was down to 4.1 so we did the happy kidney dance!  So far so good!  We are wishing the weather was warmer but no complaints – at least it isn’t icy!

A little bird told us that if he is doing ok and feels up to it we could go home for a few days at Christmas so we are hopeful.  Right now his appointments are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  We are learning our way around so we get out of the apartment and stave off cabin fever.

I’ll post again when I can – we miss everyone and can’t wait to get home to stay.

3 thoughts on “Catching Up

  1. Denise

    Love the happy kidney dance, and can’t wait to see it when you’re back home. It sounds like things are going well for you. Keep up the good work, you guys! We love you and we miss you!

  2. Karen H

    Wow, Dale looks great in the picture from Friday! So much color in his face & what about that wonderful smile. Hope things keep getting better so you can come home for Christmas.

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