Category Archives: Poetry

Ice Storm 2013

I discovered that three days of no electricity, cloudy gloom and a house that doesn’t get about 65 degrees F is about my limit for nice. The fourth day I am mostly whiny and bitchy. There are many still with no power and groups from other states working in the cold to get things fixed. Trees down all over town, homes and cars damaged by falling limbs. People liken it to a tornado but there is a huge difference. Tornadoes kill people and I’ll trade broken trees and holes in roofs for that any day. Still, prayers for all who are still living in the cold dark. It was 18 here last night and supposed to be in the 20s tonight. We were blessed to have a fireplace but this has decided it for me – I will never own an all electric home again. We were so much better prepared when we lived in the country and had a gas stove and hot water heater and a wood heater in the living room that would heat most of the house.

2013-12-10 08.23.13

the clouds are not
just in the sky
they’re in my head
and in my eyes
and cold is living
in my heart
my bones about
to shake apart
frozen fields
and hardened ground
stinging air
frost makes a sound
a buzzing like
electric lines
while all that lives
lies still and pines
for warmth of sun
and light of day
but winter stays
and stays
and stays


The photo is taken in my back yard this morning but the poem was actually inspired by a photo taken by Ginger Cook – I recommend her photo blog

Ginger graciously granted permission to add her photo so here is the picture that started the shivery poem!

ice storm Dec 2013 Lamar County Texas

Hay Bale With Ice taken by Ginger Cook

Response To a Psalm

when darkness hides
and shadows fall
and I am sinking under
like nightingale
I will prevail
stillness breaks like thunder
open my throat to find
the note
an answer filled with wonder
she sings
I sing
and in the dark
the harmony goes on
till morning comes
and darkness gives
once more to find
the dawn
oft times it’s not the melody
that causes us to linger
for God is busy on this night
and sent to me
a solitary singer
fearful now I close my eyes
the song comes sweeter still
perhaps that is her mission
when sight would fail
and faith be dim
it’s time to stop and listen

Scenes From the Coffee Shop

The rodeo girls are bright
With their glitter and big hats
Big hair and the turquoise purse
Zebra striped flower
What was she thinking
Rhinestones and denim
The queen sucks frozen latte
Through a red straw
Mama in her spandex
Nursing the finger
Burned on the curling iron
Omfg the little one repeats
Horse giggle as mama swats her
While daddy wonders how he will pay
And pay and pay for all
The pretty little horses


the truth is so long gone
that it has become an unwelcome stranger
and the danger
is that I may have forgotten and
the perspective so rotten
that memories once real fall to pieces
love ceases to matter and the shatter
of life is like safety glass
glinting in the sunlight
sparkles blind me
to the bleeding that comes
from handling bare-handed
I’ve landed in uncharted territory
running from something I can’t
even see, only free on the inside
and not even then
if I’m lost
that’s the cost
of forgetting

Summer Music


Photo Credit Timmie McEachern

rooted deeply
in the faith that morning will
come again
trees dressed in evening black
bear witness
to the last shine
as sunset smooths ripples
on blue taffeta
and the sweet blush
fades to shadow
clouds of peach and lavender
fan out on pillowed stars
moon waits patiently
for her turn to dance

Time To Think

in the greening of the morning
the cleaning of the dawning
sky is clear and cool and shining
with the promise of the timing
all your tippy toes slip happy
down the wooden dock still damp
with night dew, draws you
to the end, the edge, the very rim
now sit and dip the toes in quick
and bait the hook and take a look
the sun tipped ripples hide the fishy
perch await the bait and fate will
still your hand you hold the pole just
at the top and sit as sun creeps high
and higher, why you sit, the fishing just
excuse for sunning, stunning way
to spend a morning, thinking, floating
like the glitter on the surface
there’s a purpose – just to think
to sink into the depth and swim
inside a dreaming mind behind
your shaded eyes, to sit and let
a wandering synapse where it will
until it finds an island home
and given time, you birth a poem


you speak to us
in the language of silence
in the sparkle on bright water
you spread just enough light
to blend blue into deepest rose
gently brushing the edges
like eyelashes on cheek
like fingertips reading the sky
love letter to a world
that badly needs rest
you ease us into sleep
with a last sigh
echoing down the canyons
of meteorites and stars
navigated in gravitational dreams


image credit Tommy Stone Moonlight

image credit Tommy Stone Moonlight


image credit Tommy Stone Sunrise

to see a moonlit pool of light
turn darkness diamond white
unfettered by the velvet cloak
of shadow on a dreamless night

to see a joyous sunrise
as though it were the very first
to look upon quiescent pond
from deep the sun would burst

my heart when dark would sing the moon
and take it’s rest from labors’ way
then thankful leap above the clouds
soar peaceful through the day


Tommy is taking part in a photography challenge – a photo a day for the month of March using a theme word. The word for today was “gratitude”

The Perfect Sunrise

Sunrise Up Close Tommy Stone

Sunrise Up Close Tommy Stone


I would close my eyes
one last time my wish
for the last sight to say farewell
is but a sunrise to know
the world will go on
sweet fire and water
as the moon drowns in a chill lake
her pale sorrow buried
in tree shadow
the edge of dark slipping
further away
as sun takes her place
warming my skin
the soft glow through
closing lids
as I say goodnight
to the morning

Angry Skies

Tommy Stone Monochromatic Sky 3

Tommy Stone Monochromatic Sky 3

stirred to an angry swirl
of wind blown rage
that strips leaves from trees
and sends the birds wheeling
on currents not of their choice
holding on to the branch tips
that scrape clouds raw
I am the storm
riding the crest of a front
driving rain into the ground
madness lashing out
from behind a sky that is
sinking lower by the minute
until I have washed away
leaving nothing but puddles

Light Wins

Photo Credit Tommy Stone

Photo Credit Tommy Stone


If ever proof were needed
the darkness should have heeded
for even as the sun goes down
now mostly hidden by the ground
of other lands and other towns
the smallest flicker cuts the black
and rises far beyond the trees
and though the clouds would freeze
and space encroach upon the day
a flaming sky gives argument
sun has the final say


Photo credit Tommy Stone

Photo credit Tommy Stone


as though to show
a small regret
the east reflects the rosy set
of western rays that slip
horizon deep
a gentle sleep
a blush of night
as indigo begins to go
around the pond a fond
farewell to light for just a little while
where water meets the sky
and shyly hides beyond
the silken clouds
a parting gift, a shift
from brighter busy times
now slower rhymes
invite the ears and eyes
surprised by glory
not a shout
but whisper


The pond sits quietly
in the lap of the shore,
at rest from the days work.
The lilies pillowed on their pads
rocking gently, watched over
by a lullaby moon.

Spring Harbinger

Image Credit Tommy Stone

Image Credit Tommy Stone


red petticoats just a swishing
scent of spring that sets me wishing
for a finer time, a shiner time
a dancing in the moonlight time
a spring that rings the heralding
of warmth and yellow daffodils
that drink their fill of summer rain
when blooms come out to play again

The Seed Pods Know

Image Credit Tommy Stone

Image Credit Tommy Stone


seed pods nod their heads in time
to music ears cannot discern
gathered at the waters edge
as though a lesson to be learned
from passing time and rising suns
from mirrored stillness softly waits
from silhouetted treeline tall
brushed by heavens sleepy face
and I would write this fading dream
for suns last glow will not last long
but stilled I hold my pen aloft
a nightbird sings a lonely song
what are words but poor attempts
the lyrics of a finer tune
I fill my eyes with painted skies
the darkness comes too soon

The Speed of Setting Sun

Tommy Stone Sunset

Image Credit Tommy Stone



and the sky went screaming streaming
toward the darkness rising all around
the ground is melting in the heat of speed
the need to spin it, in it, go to any length
too far the stars are pulling us the moon and soon
the colors sink into the waters hiding light from sight
within the depths, the trees already soaking up the
black, we lack the stars but hope lies just beyond
the pond, the pool of fools of light of life
the cloud raked, sun baked, slide into the night
a flight of fancy colored by a broader brush
the rush of planets turning, yearning for the gravity
of sleep, of rest, of watercolor dreaming

Rainy Disconnect

Am I the only
wire in the wind,
whipping around
on currents I don’t understand?

What is the soul?
Am I a tiny being
Ensconced in the pilot seat
of this aging Kamekazi  robot?
If so, how did I end up the driver?

Me who gets lost on
a piece of cardboard?
Me who cannot make a decision,
for fear I will hurt the feelings
of someone else, then end up
causing damage because
I could not make a decision?

Is the longing to be removed
from the decision making, direction taking,
crazy, lost, driving seat,
the only hint
that heaven exists;
that my soul longs to go there,
even though my body isn’t ready?

Still the rain keeps falling
and I keep watch, a bird with wet feathers,
afraid to fly.

Red Sky at Morning

Tommy Stone Sunrise Peeping

Tommy Stone Sunrise Peeping

like the blood of our veins
black as night till set free
turning red when exposed to the air
like the darkest thoughts lie hidden
in shadow then chased from our minds
as the dark is chased from the sky
by the cleansing light
laying us open to the world
we, like every living thing
reach for the warmth
that creeps across the dawn
waiting just at the edge
for our turn to shine


photo credit Tommy Stone